made for Mini Jam 126 Lost

You play as a lost memory stuck in limbo trying to get back before you disappear forever and get truly lost.

[Post mortem]

I definitely bit into too much and had to rush until the last moment resulting in imperfections and couple of bugs, but nothing should be game breaking. I will fix those ASAP but for the next time, I need to limit my idea and mind my limits :D


MinJamLost-Update.rar 23 MB
MiniJamLost.rar 23 MB

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I must admit, it wasn't what I expected when I clicked on the thumbnail...

What an awesome game! I love your narrative  where the characters are creations of someone's imagination (literally) fading with time. When I finished it, I really wanted more levels!

Two things though: 

1) The HP bar sometimes overlaps on top of the dialogue boxes, obscuring the text.

2) The close range attack doesn't seem to be working well, cause when I try to hit enemies, it pushes them back instead without inflicting damage. So I could only effectively kill them with the long range attack.

Otherwise, really great concept and intuitive UI that makes it easy to figure out the goal and controls. :)

Thank you very much, glad you enjoyed it.

Originally there were supposed to be couple more levels, enemies even a boss fight before you could get to the obelisk but I ran out of time. I believe this was mentioned in  one of the dialogue lines (that I honestly missed when changing it) that mentioned there were five doors (portals) and some other stuff. I really liked working on this small game so I am planning on returning to it soon :D

I noticed that the HP bar sometimes overlaps the dialogue boxes and the UI definitely collides with the dialogue windows which I wanna change. There are more changes I wanna do such as you won't start the same dialogue when you start again and such.

I will look into the close range attack and try to figure out what is causing it, hopefully it will be a quick fix. I had a quick replay and noticed that I most likely forgot to scale back the long range attack damage from when I was testing it because 9/10 it obliterates everything in its path :D

Yes, that's some very powerful long range going on there. lol Could possibly use more time (in-game) to power it up for harder enemies?

That certainly could be a possibility... I never tried to make a time based power up, but it could be an interesting challenge. I would have to limit it to certain degree otherwise it could destroy all enemies again, tho it would come at a price of a lot of time. Ot I could also make a level up/upgrade system allowing for pushing that limit higher allowing for more damage both long range and close range.